We are providing the following code to be used as an information resource only. It is licensed under GNU GPL. Any use of, or development of the resources provided is strictly unsupported and VooServers Ltd will not be liable for any loss of or damage to business or personal assets.
Monitor Exim MTA’s on sending hosts (web servers etc):
The following bash script is used to monitor the physical size of the common queue in Exim, that is, inbound and outbound aggregated together. It will perform a simple check on the number of individual items in the queue, and if over a predetermined limit, will send an email to a monitored mailbox with information regarding the queue.
An Exim Mail Queue Summary will be sent, along with a breakdown of the top sending and receiving addresses categorized in both inbound out internal/external.
This allows staff to see if the queue is being saturated with inbound or outbound spam to and/or from internal or external email addresses, and in what sort of quantities. In most cases it is instantly obvious why the queue is growing in size.