I.T. support has historically been considered reactive in logging an issue and receiving support when in reality the best performing companies barely know their I.T. teams are even there. This is where preventative maintenance comes in with our ethos being “We should know about it before you do”.
Preventative maintenance should be considered similar to your general maintenance tasks of a car such as checking the oil levels, checking tyre pressures, topping up the windscreen wash, etc. Similar to modern cars a lot of this is now done by software in the car and our monitoring platforms are very similar for your end-user devices and infrastructure. Through these alerts our team then proactively responds to handle these alerts before they become noticeable to you through an issue on your device or infrastructure.
Vinters have a dedicated preventative maintenance team which utilise a series of industry leading monitoring and maintenance applications to keep an eye on your user devices and core infrastructure to ensure they are performing optimally, up to date with the latest patches and that no cyber security events are unfolding.